Your Donations Doubled
in Record Time

Another Donor Challenged You to Match Their Contribution and You Met the Challenge in Record Time

Matching campaigns to help save the West Klosterman Preserve first started in 2022 with an anonymous donor, who set up a matching fund that helped fund the Green DeFence campaign and raised over $50,000 for the Preserve. She was joined with matching campaigns sponsored by Sally McConnell, Sanne Kure-Jensen and Mr. Friendly, John Gilliss, whose matching campaigns together raised almost $350,000 for the Preserve.

On September 10, an anonymous family who wanted to help save the Preserve established a $50,000 fund with a goal of raising $100,000 through matching your donations as the WK Preservation Group was facing its September 15 deadline. And together, you brought in over $100,000 in less than four days!

Everyone who has donated to the West Klosterman Preserve is a champion of saving slices of Paradise in the Tampa Bay region and this champion family and you have shared their passion for saving the natural beauty in Florida.

Here’s what they had to say as they started this matching campaign.

This initiative is near and dear to our hearts. We have lived in Florida all of our lives and have seen, on a local level, how new developments displace our natural wildlife. We appreciate the economic growth that’s expanded our local economy, but we also feel strongly in being good stewards of our land. Thus, we feel called to do our part to protect the natural habitat so close to our precious coastline. We are honored to be able to donate toward the campaign and hope that you will consider donating what you can to help save the West Klosterman Preserve.

Thank you to our anonymous family and to our growing group of people who have donated to save the West Klosterman Preserve. Success is in sight!

$50 that will be $100
$100 that will be $200
$500 that will be $1000
or more!

Photos by Douglas Clifford, Tampa Bay Times

Thank You!
Our Anonymous Family's
Matching Challenge
Goal Reached

NONPROFIT 501(C) (3)

Show your support Today!

  • Even if you’ve donated in the past, please consider donating again. The WKPG anonymous donor family will match dollar for dollar, up to $50,000!
  • If you know someone we can contact who would want to support our cause, let us know at
  • Share our social posts and tell your friends – “Hey, did you hear that the WK Preserve folks have until September to match Pinellas County’s contribution and save the West Klosterman Preserve? Did you know that your donation can be doubled in their matching campaign?”
  • Does your employer offer a donation matching program?
  • Do you know a company who might want to join our Preservation Sponsorship Program?
  • Join us at one of our events to build support for the Preserve. Go to Events.
  • Look for creative ways to show your support and share your ideas for fundraising with us!

our supporters and what they are saying


September 17, 2024

In honor of For the animals.


September 17, 2024

Dorinda L. Cifelli

September 17, 2024

Samuel E. Gironda

September 17, 2024

Robert M. Schwartz

September 17, 2024

C Ernst

September 17, 2024


September 17, 2024

In honor of To the animals.

Lou & Therese Esposito

September 17, 2024

In memory of Rob Messinger

Mary Ann Benedetti

September 17, 2024

Thank you for your concern and assist in this matter

Samantha Pettinaroli

September 17, 2024

Joan Amonette

September 17, 2024

Thank you for doing this!

Gary Schutz

September 17, 2024

help US



To preserve the natural heritage of open space land by protecting its natural forest, plant life, and all native animals in their community. 


We envision accomplishing this through education and collaboration for the benefit of present and future generations.

Entrusted to Act

Seeking to Protect Pinellas County’s disappearing undeveloped sites.