Special Thanks To Our Major Donors

Thank you for your generous contributions

We are very appreciative to our major donors for their caring hearts and generous gifts helping us to meet our goal to Save The West Klosterman Preserve and future natural open spaces in Pinellas County and beyond. 

American Bald Eagle


$100,000 Or More

Efroymson Family Fund
John Gilliss, Mr. Friendly



$25,000 Or More

Anonymous (3)
Dimmitt Chevrolet
Sanne Kure-Jensen
Sally McConnell
Rebecca and Stu Sjouwerman
Jennifer Wirth

Great Horned Owl


$5,000 Or More

Anonymous (3)
Mary Bowers
Clearwater Audubon Society
Steve & Linda Cere
Cary Street Partners Wealth Management

Frank E. Duckwall Foundation
Kathryn Gray and Alex Nyerges
of Tarpon Springs and Richmond Virginia
The Grey Family
Merle and Erich Herz
Tom and Mary Kay Kaufmann
Laura Lorenzen and John Ficken
Senator Jack Latvala
Donna and James Richter
The Risser Family
Robert Schwartz
Suncoast Sierra Club
Nora Vera, M.D
 Marilyn Ward

Wilcox Nursery and Landscape

Great Blue Heron


$1,000 or More

Anonymous (16)
Patsy Allen
Pamela Andriotakis-Gromadzki
Marilyn Beck
Lee and Amy Bingham
Helena and John Boucard
Tesseract Ventures LLC
Kay and Tex Carter
Sue Chapman
Tom and Christine Cimilluca
Sue Collins
Linda Crismond
Dori and Ken Dambrosio
Bradley and Kathryn Davis
Cynthia and Gregory Delwiche
Marie Eide
Kristen Eide-Tollefson
Cathleen Gillen
Peggy Gourley
Pam and Bill Harper
Sheila Harris
Jef Henninger
Julia Herbst
M. Diane Hodson, PhD, JD
Tracey Hooper
Tara Hottenstein

Husserl Group, AIA
David Keene
Mick Konrad
Carol and Ray Macioci
Jacqueline Man
Bill McCarrier
Jan Milner

Mark Patterson
Dr. Karl J. Petersen
Cheryl & Larry Putnam
Lesly Reichek
Theresa and Peter Ripa
Lucyanne and Paul Robinson
Glenn Schmitt
Stacey Schroeder
Kim Seidner
Mike Siebel
Chuck and Lynne Stamey
Susan Stockman
Bruce Turley
Unity Church of Palm Harbor
Betty Valentin
Claudia Vera
Diana and Mike Vickers
Phoebe Weseley
Annette and Zeke Westfall


To preserve the natural heritage of open space land by protecting its natural forest, plant life, and all native animals in their community. 


We envision accomplishing this through education and collaboration for the benefit of present and future generations.

Entrusted to Act

Seeking to Protect Pinellas County’s disappearing undeveloped sites.