Match the County’s Money

 Save the West Klosterman Preserve!

Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin $1,500,000 towards the $1,500,000 target.$1,500,000Raised $1,500,000 towards the $1,500,000 target.

Pinellas County

 Challenge Match

Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin $854,585 towards the $1,500,000 target.$854,585Raised $854,585 towards the $1,500,000 target.


Funds Raised

“We are proud to support the park and preserve areas in Pinellas County, so that all of our residents may have easier access to natural spaces and wildlife. The West Klosterman Preserve signifies Pinellas County’s ongoing commitment to protecting our green spaces for the residents of today and tomorrow.”

Kathleen Peters, 2024 Chair of the Pinellas County Board of County Commissioners

Show your support Today!

  • Even if you’ve donated in the past, consider donating again to help us match the County’s $1.5 million.
  • If you know someone we can contact who would want to support our cause, let us know at
  • Share our social posts and tell your friends – “Hey, did you hear that the WK Preserve folks have until September to match Pinellas County’s contribution and save the West Klosterman Preserve?”
  • Does your employer offer a donation matching program?
  • Do you know a company who might want to join our Preservation Sponsorship Program?
  • Join us at one of our events to build support for the Preserve. Go to
  • Look for creative ways to show your support and share your ideas for fundraising with us!

our supporters and what they are saying

Alyssa Volpe

July 26, 2024

Margo Haeussner

July 21, 2024

I love nature.

In memory of Bonnie H.

Megan Tarver

July 21, 2024

Andrea Vaioli

July 18, 2024

Kristin Hansen

July 18, 2024

Echo Sheppsrd

July 17, 2024

Nancy Armitage

July 16, 2024

FBO Jacqueline A Man

July 16, 2024

Sheila A Paskel Giving Fund

July 16, 2024


July 15, 2024

Henry Thuemler

July 13, 2024


July 12, 2024

help US



To preserve the natural heritage of open space land by protecting its natural forest, plant life, and all native animals in their community. 


We envision accomplishing this through education and collaboration for the benefit of present and future generations.

Entrusted to Act

Seeking to Protect Pinellas County’s disappearing undeveloped sites.

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