Your Donations Have Been Doubled

Sanne Kure-Jensen2

Your donations have helped Sanne Kure-Jensen turn $35,000 into $70,000 for the West Klosterman Preserve

You and Sanne Kure-Jensen have reached the goal of together raising $70,000 to help save the West Klosterman Preserve. When we started this matching campaign on June 1, we set a goal of $20,000 by July 15 which would be matched to raise a total of $40,000. You responded with your contributions and we reached $20,000 on June 21. Sanne then generously increased her matching pledge to $35,000, and your response brought us to that goal by June 27, so a total contribution of $70,000 will be added to what we have raised so far and help us continue to close the gap of raising $1.5 million to match Pinellas County’s $1.5 million for the Preserve.

When we advised Sanne of your support and response, she said, “Continued generous community support will surely preserve the imperiled sand scrub and pine flatwood ecosystems of the West Klosterman Preserve. Together, we will protect this home for threatened Gopher Tortoises and endangered Giant Airplants. Longleaf pines will continue to grow in their namesake Pinellas county. Thank you so very much to everyone who contributed to this worthy project.”

You may have met this friend of the Preserve, Sanne Kure-Jensen, at one of our tours or events, or at meetings of the Florida Native Plant Society and other organizations involved in environmental preservation and stewardship. She has a long history of working to protect natural lands and native species. Sanne recognizes the urgency of protecting the imperiled sand scrub habitats as well as several endangered and threatened species thriving at the West Klosterman Preserve.

Sanne lives in Pinellas County, and is a Florida Master Naturalist, a Florida Water Steward and is dedicated to protecting and preserving our rapidly disappearing natural habitats. She has actively served in and supported environmental preservation organizations across the country. View Sanne’s virtual tour of the Preserve here. 

So again, thank you to those who gave donations to be matched and thank you, Sanne, for providing the match that made this giant step possible. More is still needed. Please make your donation and help Sanne and WK Preservation Group save the West Klosterman Preserve.

$50 that will be $100
$100 that will be $200
$500 that will be $1000
or more!

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Thank You!
Sanne Kure-Jensen's Matching Challenge Goal Reached

NONPROFIT 501(C) (3)

Show your support Today!

  • Even if you’ve donated in the past, consider donating again. Sanne will match dollar for dollar, up to $35,000!
  • If you know someone we can contact who would want to support our cause, let us know at
  • Share our social posts and tell your friends – “Hey, did you hear that the WK Preserve folks have until September to match Pinellas County’s contribution and save the West Klosterman Preserve?”
  • Does your employer offer a donation matching program?
  • Do you know a company who might want to join our Preservation Sponsorship Program?
  • Join us at one of our events to build support for the Preserve. Go to
  • Look for creative ways to show your support and share your ideas for fundraising with us!

our supporters and what they are saying

Alyssa Volpe

July 26, 2024

Margo Haeussner

July 21, 2024

I love nature.

In memory of Bonnie H.

Megan Tarver

July 21, 2024

Andrea Vaioli

July 18, 2024

Kristin Hansen

July 18, 2024

Echo Sheppsrd

July 17, 2024

Nancy Armitage

July 16, 2024

FBO Jacqueline A Man

July 16, 2024

Sheila A Paskel Giving Fund

July 16, 2024


July 15, 2024

Henry Thuemler

July 13, 2024


July 12, 2024

help US



To preserve the natural heritage of open space land by protecting its natural forest, plant life, and all native animals in their community. 


We envision accomplishing this through education and collaboration for the benefit of present and future generations.

Entrusted to Act

Seeking to Protect Pinellas County’s disappearing undeveloped sites.

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