A Message From WKPG Leadership
As we approached our September 15 deadline, we experienced tremendous support and received donations from many of you to help save the West Klosterman Preserve. Pinellas County has recognized your support and has given us more time to raise our $1.5 million share of the funds we are contracted to provide to the County. This money will allow the County to buy the WK Preserve from Pinellas County Schools. The Preserve will then become part of the Mariner’s Point Management Area, to be owned and operated as permanent preservation land by Pinellas County.
We are very close to this four-and-a-half-year goal but we can’t do a victory dance just yet.
As you can imagine, saving the West Klosterman Preserve is not a straightforward “buy-sell” arrangement. It’s complicated.
What’s next:
In addition to your direct donations, we have pledges and special donation arrangements that have to be called in and finalized as we approach our final $1.5 million goal. Today, we technically have a gap of $258,000 to close. We are in conversations with major donors to close the gap and are deeply grateful for any contributions to our goal.
We aim to finalize this deal as soon as possible. WK Preservation Group and our fundraising partner, Pinellas Community Foundation, intend to honor the wishes of our major donors and pledge partners to close their commitments before the New Year. This also gives Pinellas County the necessary time to finalize its administrative tasks and perform its due diligence for the land purchase.
We hope we will be able to continue raising the necessary funds, tie up loose ends, and transfer our $1.5 million share to Pinellas County by December 10 or sooner.
Additional Details
We are honored to be part of this powerful community.
Thank you SO MUCH to all of our donors – large and small – for your support. It’s been overwhelming and heartfelt.
We can also tell you this – bulldozers are NOT parked outside the Preserve fence.
We appreciate that Pinellas County will continue to work with us so that we can be successful. WK Preservation Group is 100% committed to the cause. We will continue to keep you informed and gratefully continue accepting donations.
For any updates, please check out our home page, wkpreserve.com, or our Frequently Asked Questions, at wkpreserve.com/FAQ.
In the words of Jane Goodall,
“Every single one of us matters, makes a difference, and has a role to play.”
With sincere gratitude,
Celeste & the WKPG Team
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News Coverage
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On the right side, you can click and check out all the print, TV and radio stories going back to our origins – plus environmental reports about the Preserve’s globally imperiled habitat.

Graphics created by Naturalist, @blakescar
If you have questions, we want to answer!
Click here to see our FAQ (frequently asked questions)
for all other inquiries please contact us directly, info@wkpreserve.com
WK PRESERVATION GROUP is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit
Formed in 2020, headquarters in Pinellas County, Florida
P O Box 1032
Tarpon Springs FL 34688
United States
281 352 3244
Thank you for your donation!
Every dollar counts