Welcome To The WKPG Newsletter!
Thank You for sharing your love with us. Every single donation represents hope for the future.
This organization is rooted in your support.
With your help we have raised over 1 million dollars!!
$462,784 is still needed to save the WK Preserve by September 15th
We Need Your Help
It is crunch time, so will you be an advocate for us? We are asking EVERYONE reading this to spread the word. Tell your friends, family, place of worship, baseball team, local businesses, local representatives…we mean everyone! If you know someone who shares in a deep passion for saving endangered habitats then please point them in our direction! We even made a TikTok account to connect to everyone we can!
We have had an astonishing increase in donations since the word broke about the State Park proposals. People are becoming more and more aware of just how much land is being overdeveloped and not preserved. We are hopeful to meet our goal by the end of the deadline, but still need your help! So please keep spreading the word.
In this newsletter, you will find pictures captured from inside the West Klosterman Preserve, News Interviews/Social Media Accounts, Why This Preserve Matters, and How To Help.
Let’s Save Endangered Land Together!
Celeste & The WKPG Team
Visit our website, wkpreserve.com, for the most up to date information

The 14 Acres YOU Are Helping To Save

Catch Us in the News!
Your interest is helping get the word out! Let your favorite reporter know that you want to hear more about our progress in the last three weeks of our drive to save 14 acres from development!
You can see and share the latest coverage here:
WTSP Great Day Live – interview with Tex Carter, Board President
AXIOS Tampa Bay – article and quotes from WKPG and County Commissioners
FOX 13 Tampa Bay – tour of the property and interviews with Tex and Kay Carter, board members
Blog and Podcast: Roots of Resilience
Click Here to listen to Palm Harbor Local’s interview with two of our founding members, Tex and Kay Carter!
Thanks to Donnie Hathaway of Palm Harbor Local for helping us spread the word about our mission to save pockets of paradise!
Documentary: About Our Origin Story
Click Here To Watch Our Documentary
This excellent overview was produced by filmmaker, Caden Colver, at the beginning of 2022. We remain as dedicated as ever to the preservation of natural lands in Florida!
Share the link with your friends and family, neighbors, and local officials!
Learn More on the WKPG Website and Social Accounts
Visiting our website and following us on social media are some of the best ways to stay up-to-date on the progress we’ve made, next steps, and our upcoming events! We have an Instagram account (@savethewkp), a Facebook page, a Facebook group, and we’re on LinkedIn! If you have questions, you can always reply to this email, or submit your inquiry through our “Contact Us” form on the website!

Why This Preserve Matters
How Forests, Like The West Klosterman Preserve, Serve as a Necessary Defense in Protecting Our Communities
Did You Know … millions of trees are cut down in Florida each year?
What does developed land mean to you?
Condominiums and shopping plazas remove natural barriers that combat natural disasters. Deforestation has a direct impact and lasting effects on the places we live in, know, and love.
Have you ever heard that trees are the lungs of a community?
We depend on trees to provide us with not only shade but the necessary clean oxygen that we breathe. Forests, like the West Klosterman Preserve, could be compared to the most vital organs in our body. We can’t see our organs, but we know that they’re there and working hard. Trees filter toxic chemicals out of the soil and the air around us. They absorb storm runoff through their roots, and the same process that provides us with oxygen also cools the air around the trees. Their trunks and root systems protect us from storm surges, wind events, and erosion.
WK Preservation Group is committed to providing fact-based information about the preservation topics that are important to us all – reply to this email if you have a question for our experts!
We depend on wildlife whether we are aware of it or not.
Our forests are necessary for us to maintain our way of life, and you can help do your part in keeping our homes protected by donating to the WK Preserve today.
Local Fundraising
located at 907 Klosterman Road, E. Tarpon Springs
The artists who own Open Sky Studio and Gallery continue to be big supporters of the West Klosterman Preserve. Percy Kleinops auctioned off an exquisite artwork earlier this year while his art partner, Suzanne, donated 25% of proceeds from commissioned portraits to WKP. She has kindly extended her offer until Sept. 30.
Pre-order your custom portrait until September 30th
If you’d like to honor someone special (or yourself) with a fine art portrait, call 813-447-9347 or visit the studio between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. any day but Saturday and arrange a date. Important: You must mention the West Klosterman Preserve when you meet with Suzanne.
(please note new commissions will be available mid October 2024)*

How Can You Help?
I’m glad you asked!
10 Ways to Help Save The West Klosterman Preserve:
See if any of these activities are a match for you!
- Donate to the mission
- Share this newsletter with someone you know
- Tell your friends, family, and colleagues about our mission to save 14 acres of natural land
- Volunteer with us (see below and reply to this email to learn more)
- Ask your employer if they will match your donation or if they have another type of employee-sponsored giving program.
- Become a sponsor
- Let your local news anchor or journalist know that you want to hear more about our progress
- Make a donation of stock or property, or make a pledge with our partners at Pinellas Community Foundation
- Get Creative; use your talent to give back, whether you’re a local artist, musician, or vendor your support can make a difference. You can share our mission by word of mouth or share a portion of your proceeds to support our cause (we appreciate it all)
- Share your ideas with us! The best way to give back is to share your strengths with your community, so let us know what you can do to help us reach our goal to save the WK Preserve!
We are so very grateful to all of our volunteers –
this entire organization has been developed by volunteer efforts.
If you have a specific area of expertise you’d like to share, and would like to become more involved please reply to this email and we can chat!
It's Crunch Time
We Have 12 Days Left To Save
Endangered Land & Endangered Species
Stay tuned to see what’s next!
May you be happy, May you be healthy, May you be well
P O Box 1032
Tarpon Springs FL 34688
United States
281 352 3244
Thank you for your donation!
Every dollar counts